
Providing focus to chase your vital dreams

Discover Aimy

In a simple and effective way Aimy helps you to...

Focus on the essentials

Get started

Realize your dreams


Focus on the essentials

Do you know your vital dreams?

Like Aimy, you probably have a lot of dreams. But you only have limited amount of time to realize them. And you can't do it all at the same time. So you have to make choices. But how to choose?

Just tell Aimy all your dreams and she will structure and prioritize them. You only have to confirm or adjust your 3 most vital dreams. And from then, just focus on these.

Get started

Are you actively chasing your vital dreams, or postponing them?

Like most things, getting started can be the hardest part. Either you don't know where to begin, or you just need that little push to come into action. Not anymore.

First, Aimy helps you by breaking your vital dreams into small manageable tasks. So you know where to start.

Secondly, receiving tips from Aimy and cheers from your friends stimulates you to actually make that first step.

Realize your dreams

Are you getting closer to your vital dream?

With Aimy you chase a specific dream alone or with friends. In both cases, you can share tips and tricks with like-minded who aim for the same and with experts who already achieved your dream. This motivates you to keep going.

The result? You realize your dream and celebrate this with friends who supported you.

And then, you focus on your next dream.

Other Features


Set an appropriate privacy level for every dream


Invite friends to chase your dream together


Achieve subgoals and see your progress increase


Share your new dream, achieved subtask or realized dream


Get motivated by cheers from friends


Update your progress from any device

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